How to Get a Guy to Like You

12/22/2010 16:05
  1. Like Yourself! If you want to attract a confident guy, you have to be confident.
  2. Get his attention.  Talk to him, say hi. How can he like you if he doesn't even know who you are?
  3. Tell a joke.  Guys like a girl with a good sense of humor.
  4. Don't whisper with your friends. Guys think this is shallow.
  5. Be Patient. It may take a while for a guy to get the courage to tell you how he feels.

Tips from Wikihow:

  • Be an all-around great person. If you focus on being a clean, motivated, kind, and humorous individual, how can anyone resist? Some guys might be intimidated, and they're too insecure to be worth your interest anyway. But it's only a matter of time before a guy who can like you for who you really are will come around and see that you're an awesome person to be around.
  • Some people prefer being friends first, others prefer to avoid the "just a friend" zone. Ideally, you can be a little bit of both--a friend and a romantic interest.
  • Keep in mind that you cannot control what other people think and do. He may be the object of your interest, but that does not create any obligation that you be his. Turn the situation around. If there was some random guy who took an interest in you, is there anything that he could do to make you like him? Probably not. You will like him or not. You will find him attractive or not. You will find him funny or not. All he can do is try to be the best person he can be, and hope that you agree. The reverse is also true. Be the best person you can be, and let it develop--or not--from there.
  • Don't talk about your other prospective guys with the guy you're interested in. It's just not good form, and it's a good way to get rid of him.
  • If there is no sign of him being interested in you, that doesn't necessarily mean that he isn't interested. He could just be shy, or be a little frightened, especially if he hasn't dated anyone for a long time.
  • And don't forget to smile! It's an age old, safe way to extend an invitation to a guy to socialize. Plus it's totally free and increases your face's real estate value instantly!
  • Don't play stupid mind games or send mixed signals. This confuses the guy and has tons of potential for embarrassment.
  • Trying too hard to "get" a specific person to like you can be manipulative, something that no one finds attractive or wants to be the object of.
  • If these steps work a little too well and he comes on too strong, let him know to take it easy and don't do anything you feel uncomfortable with.
  • Don't confuse kindness with him liking you. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference, but be attentive and you'll figure it out.
  • If he is dating someone else, he is completely off limits. Respect him by not tempting him to get involved with someone else.
  • Don't just burst out saying you like him, or he might not take you seriously. Take some time, get to know him properly first.

Remember to be confident! ~Aiko
